
: just wondering :

... just wondering, does anyone know the story behind the 'logo' or the graphic image in the cross on the SBF sign out front?

Could be a river, or two faces, or both. Maybe let me know if you think you know, okay?



ps. there's an SBF FaceBook page up and running now as well. You can hit the link above right, or search Saanichton Bible Fellowship, or simply Saanichton, and it should be the top hit showing. Mind you, the Saanichton search shows Bryce R. 3rd, Jill R. 4th, and Peter R. 7th. Maybe Rashleigh is synonymous with Saanichton?


: juggling competing priorities :

... Good Morning SBF. Here it is, Wednesday, right smack in the middle of October.

I guess I had some time on Thanksgiving weekend, with the weather only being so-so, to reflect a bit on my 6 weeks at Saanichton Bible Fellowship so far. To be honest? in a good way I sort of feel like the guy in this graphic ... juggling the many competing priorities that come with the interim admin role here. My brain tends to work on a lot of levels, frustratingly so sometimes, but from the macro space the elders are leading from, to the day to day office systems, to the teensy ( but important ) details about security, fax numbers ( we don't have one ), web sites, parking ... to the privilege of 'pastoring' at SBF, with Dennis ... well? there are a lot of balls in the air.

I hope you are encouraged. I think there are many great things happening in and through Saanichton Bible Fellowship, and the people who make up this faith community. As Dennis said Sunday, it was quite something to be part of SBF's response to Wayne's passing. I drove home down Wallace Drive a couple of Sundays ago from meeting with Donna thinking ... "okay, so this is how a close-knit church responds to a crisis" ... and I was encouraged, even in the midst of the loss, and grieving and busyness of planning a memorial service.

All that to say, that's just one example of my multi-faceted world at SBF. I am glad Dennis is back, I am looking forward to this teaching series from Revelation, I think we are making progress on the admin side, I am enjoying myself, and I am getting to know more and more SBFers each week. I even made a connection Sunday when I met Amelia and noticed she was happy to be in Nathan's presence ( now I'm thinking like the father of 20-somethings! :) ... all that does an interim administrative pastor's heart good.

OK, lots, Lots, LOTS to do today, so better get back at it. Just thought I'd pop up a quick post for you, seeing as Alice F mentioned yesterday that she had read the whole 'blog word-for-word!

