
: homelessness awareness week in victoria :

... Ron Cole, a friend of SBF's, and partner in the Dr. Bones Blues Project has a post over at 'The Weary Pilgrim' about needing a few volunteers to staff Mustard Seed's booth in the Bay Centre next week for homeless awareness week in Victoria. Ironic, eh? or maybe even intentional, the week following Thanksgiving ... quite the juxtaposition.

Take a minute and read Ron's impressions/assessment of recent changes in Victoria's economy and demographics.

I'm thinking of signing up for a stint or two. Anyone want to join me? For more information, the Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness web page is here.


UPDATE : today Ron follows up yesterday's original request with a few thoughts.


: monday morning musings ... or the week that was :

... I decided that, as a picture is worth 1,000 words, I'd use this picture of my desk last week to capture the week that was for you.

I mentioned to a couple of you that it dawned on me recently that, with John Wilton working over in Vancouver now, at Trinity Baptist, and Dennis leading a week of Senior Camp at Imadene, then going on vacation, I've been running around more than usual in their absence! So by way of update ... here's a few things that encouraged me this last few days ...

~ the pastoral candidates pre-interviewing marathon of Friday evening and Saturday. Whew! The Search Team did a great job, and the elders and I got to follow up those interviews with a meal with each candidate. Excellent conversations were had by all!

~ the service yesterday. Introducing and praying for SBF's 2008-2009 youth ministry leadership team was great. Even though we went overtime, hearing Marco & Magreet's story, and calling to First Nation's ministry was profound, unsettling, challenging.

~ the SBF family response to the loss of Wayne Adams. I have seen first hand THIS week how a smaller church kicks into support gear when a family is in crisis, and then grieving. Wayne's memorial service is Friday at 2 pm at Saanichton. Thank you to everyone who has 'been there' for Donna and Mark these difficult days.

Well, I have to run, but that's a small 'snapshot' of my busy, full rewarding week.


ps. while still basic, we do have an SBF website back up, thanks to Jonah and a few helpers ( Barry, Steve, others ). You can find it at : www.saanichtonbiblefellowship.org