
: Advent 2008 @ SBF : O Come, O Come Emmanuel :

... hard as it may be to believe, Advent 2008 begins in less than two weeks.

At SBF we will turn towards our Advent focus beginning this Sunday, even as Dennis begins wrapping up the "Seven Churches of Revelation" teaching series with the second last church, Philadelphia. We will look to a visual, object lesson type reminder of what took place so many years ago. This year November 30th is Advent I ... December 7th Advent II, December 14th Advent III, December 21st Advent IV.

Each Sunday will have a unique focus and emphasis as SBF prepares, as a faith community, for Christmas in the 21st century. This Sunday an introduction, or better put, a welcome to the journey. November 30th ... the first candle, as Dennis concludes with the Church @ Laodicea. December 7th ... communion, and the second candle. December 14th, the third candle, and our kids bring us a pageant. December 21st ... Christmas Sunday, and the fourth candle. Advent culminates on Christmas Eve, as we celebrate "O Holy Night" ...

As we began planning for Christmas 2008, the theme of beautiful, scriptural Christmas carols came to mind, and we will allow them to direct our thoughts these next weeks.

One of those rich, biblical carols referred to above is 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel' ... "O Come, Thou DaySpring, come and cheer, our spirits by Thine advent here" ... "O Come, Thou Wisdom from on high, and order all things, far and nigh" ... 'O Come, Desire of Nations, bind, all peoples in one heart and mind" ... let's look forward to Advent 2008, letting it shape us, slow us down, direct us and deliver us to December 24/25 prepared, even against the commercialized 'Christmas" many would want to deliver us into.