
: an introduction and a rationale :

Greetings SBF family ... this is Don Crawford, the new guy, the interim admin, formerly of Lambrick pastor. I met a number of you briefly a couple of weeks ago, and I'm looking forward to getting to know more of you starting this Sunday.

I was on the mainland last weekend, taking our two oldest kids to university. Meggan back to TWU in Langley ( Trinity Western ) to begin 3rd year of her BScNursing degree, and her first experience as a Residence Advisor. Fraser was excited to be headed for UBC-Okanagan to begin his post Mount Douglas schooling in the BManagement program at Kelowna. Thankfully, Karen and I have one more still at home, as Colin began Grade 10 at Reynolds Secondary yesterday. We joked last week that Karen's role in Grad Student Advising in UVic's Economics Department was the only stable thing in our family. However she had two dozen new graduate students arriving and orienting and beginning post-grad and doctoral and post-doc studies, so 'newness' was everywhere.

As I mentioned across the page in the "so why an SBF 'blog and why now?" section ... I see a 'blog, in this case, as a potentially helpful electronic journal that will give you some insights, a way to track what I am working on, and hopefully trigger some of your excellent ideas along the way. So I invite any and all of you to join me on this journey, as I have come to believe that Fall 2008 and Winter 2009 are going to be pivotal in the future of SBF as you search for and discern and call a pastor, rally together to look outside the walls to your community, and live out SBF's vision statement of 'existing as a church family to give glory to God, and to enjoy Him both now and forever' ...

I think if you follow the 'clicks' below on SUBSCRIBE you will get the occasional notice that I have updated this 'blog. I am going to try and do so regularly, maybe 2-3 times a week? especially as I ramp up my role here and identify priorities. More on that below. Finally, please feel free to comment in the comments section. I like to hear from you folks, as you have had your hand to the plow in ministry here a lot longer than I have!

Thanks again,


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